Hover your mouse over an alignment to see its effect on Earth ~M6+ seismicity as an INCREASE-PEAK-DECREASE pattern in M6.2+ magnitudes. Alignments to Mars do not appear to affect Earth seismicity.
The peak-magnitude in each distinct M5.7+ magnification episode/jolt marked by omitting of trending arrows. Each M6.2+ magnitude marked red, except in proximal alignments.
Proximal (marked with an *) alignments occur when bodies are non-strictly aligned (never align themselves or do on occasion, staying within 5° window), so frequent updates and unusual patterns can be expected.
Note the long alignment Sun-Mercury-Earth, as another demonstration of Hyperresonance Theory's correctness similarly to the alignments of the Earth with Venus: the Earth's
oscillation magnification commences not when the Earth-Mercury optical alignment starts, but when the Earth's and Mercury's "dance" (the difference between angular velocities of their respective lines of sight) gets in step on 4 August,
and results in 3 distinguished patterns due to the Mercury's thrice-varying angular velocity. The demonstration, seen often with Venus and Mercury (for example, the alignment Earth-Sun-Mercury of January 2017),
is largely owed to their relatively fast orbital velocity resulting in an escaping line of sight. For more details see last paragraph of Section 2 in the main paper.
Note: A "~" means ±5% so M5.7-6.2 quakes, obviously useful as oscillation magnification's trending/jolting indicators, are also used for pattern enhancement at ends to show pattern is excited state.
M6.2+ seismicity mostly occurs at the alignment onset so forecast can change once alignment begins. For plots see our Google+ or Pinterest. For 100%-successful 2011-2014 test-phase see archives.